If there are three or more lanes going in one direction, the middle lane, or lanes, are usually the smoothest. The left lane is for drivers who want to pass or turn left. The right lane is used by drivers who go slower or who are entering or turning off the road. If a road has only two lanes in one direction, the right lane generally has the smoothest traffic flow. However, some roads have special left turn lanes at intersections. This helps keep traffic moving smoothly in both directions.
LS-Island 02 Stuck in the Middle
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Crosswalks Crosswalks are special areas set aside for people to cross the street. They are often marked with yellow or white lines. There may be warning signs. Most crosswalks are at intersections, but sometimes they are in the middle of a block. Be alert for school crossings in the country as well as in town. You must stop when the school crossing guard directs you, and remember to always yield the right-of-way to any schoolchildren crossing the street.
Sometimes there will be dangers on both sides of the road. There may be parked cars to the right and oncoming cars to the left. In this case, steer a middle course between the oncoming cars and the parked cars. Split the difference. If one danger is greater than the other, give more room to the worse danger. Suppose in a narrow lane, there are oncoming cars to the left of you and a bicyclist ahead. In some instances an inexperienced bicyclist will be less predictable. Therefore, give extra room. An experienced bicyclist will often "command the lane" by moving further into the roadway. Motorists must yield. Slow down to avoid an accident. When it is safe to pass allow at least three feet to your right side when passing.
The most significant effort to bring down costs and strengthen the middle class in generations:In addition to major investments in children and care, climate, and health, the Build Back Better framework includes targeted investments that will reduce costs that hold back middle-class families and grow our economy from the bottom up and the middle out. Specifically, the framework will:
Hi from Ponder Texas! We are in the middle of a crazy winter storm (February 14 th , lasting about a week) and a flock (maybe 100) were eating our holly berries for a day along with some bird seed we put out. The next day they were gone. I enjoyed the article and information!
I live in Fort Worth, TX and we are in the middle of an ice, snow and low-temperature winter storm. As such, there has been an increase in Robin sightings. It is such a nice surprise to look out the window and see such beautiful birds. We are, at the present moment, homebound because of the icy roads. If not, we may not have noticed the influx. There really is a silver lining to everything. 2ff7e9595c