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SUPERVERSE License: Experience the Electrifying Gameplay of a Space Shooter with Ancient Secrets


Most businesses opt for the Tableau Creator plan, which bundles together Tableau Desktop, Tableau Prep Builder, and one one license for either Tableau Cloud or Tableau Server for a comprehensive solution.


For Mocombe the multiverses originated, from the superuniverse,either by fiat or quantum fluctuation. They are bosonicforces that were brought forth together with fermion counterparts.They are also the primeval psychonic/pan-psychic field, stemmingfrom the super-verse, whose fermion can be called a psychion, aparticle of consciousness. These have evolved together to producethe four forces of nature, electromagnetic force; gravity; the strongnuclear force; and weak nuclear force, in our universe, which in turnproduced atoms, molecules, and aggregated life endowed with therecycled/superimposed/entangled consciousness and phenomenalproperties of the primeval pan-psychic fields of the superverse andits multiverses. In other words, according to quantum mechanicssubatomic particles of energy constitute all the matter of ouruniverse via the Higgs Boson Field, i.e., the god particle, whichobjectifies and materialize the matter that we are, see, hear, taste,feel, and touch. Subatomic particles constitute our material bodiesand consciousness as neuronal energies, which constitute andoperate the brain and the body [13]. However, subatomic matter,which are strings/waves at the subatomic particle level, operatedifferently from observable objectified energy, matter, in thattheir behavior are indeterminate and can exist in multiple places,dimensions or parallel universes, simultaneously prior to beingobserved or even during observation as aggregated matter.

In fact, the subatomic particles that constitute our materialbodies and consciousness as neuronal energies are the samesubatomic particles that constitute everything that we consider tobe the world, universe, other species, etc. At the subatomic particlelevel, we are not subjects contemplating an object, i.e., the world,multiverse, etc., we are the world, an undifferentiating energy ofprobabilities, endowed with recycled/superimposed/entangledconsciousness and phenomenal properties, which are immortalin principle. Hence, the implication suggested by the StandardModel of physics is that the observable and non-observable matterthat constitutes our universe exists elsewhere in other unseendimensions and parallel universes simultaneously with our owndispensation of space-time. We do not occupy a universe. We arepart of a superverse and multiverse with a plethora of I (s) andother sentient beings, or not, existing in them indistinguishablefrom one another at the subatomic level as recycled/entangled/superimposed energy. They become distinguishable at the atomiclevel through subatomic particle aggregation, i.e., matter. Subatomicparticles aggregate to form objectified matter, universes, worlds,species and sentient beings, etc., as a result of the five forces ofnature (electromagnetism, gravity, the strong and weak nuclearforces, and consciousness).

So, for Mocombe the multiverse is objective and real. There isno God in the multiverse (even if there was one, who created usas part of a simulation (virtual world) that is the multiverse, itwould not matter or prevent us from understanding the rules andlaws explaining the emergence and role of consciousness in thesimulation), just consciousness, emanating from a psychonic orpan-psychic subatomic field, becoming and being in simultaneouslyexisting present/past/future layered worlds, which are entangledand superimposed. The initial superverse, which created themultiverse is a product of quantum fluctuation of dark matterand energy, which funneled or exploded to create multiverses viathe first four forces of nature, with consciousness being a later(evolutionary) force that emerged following species formation(matter aggregation) and death. That is, the superverse createslayered multiverses each interconnected via subatomic particles,which aggregated, via the initial four forces of nature, to formmacro-worlds. Over time sentient beings experiencing theseobjective worlds emerged, and the phenomenal properties of theirsubatomic particles were recycled upon matter disaggregation toconstitute a psychonic/panpsychic field of the superverse, whichwould make consciousness an emergent (evolutionary) fifth forceof nature endowing future sentient beings with consciousness,a fifth (evolutionary) force of nature. This consciousness is aneuronal energy field, which is not destroyed when matter is disaggregated; instead, it is either recycled into the psychonic/panpsychic subatomic field of the superverse, or entangled andsuperimposed into its counterparts where the disaggregatedmatter still exists in its aggregated forms in the multiverse. In thehuman ethos, the psychonic/pan-psychic subatomic field that isconsciousness becomes God, which is associated with attributesthat we embody or must embody in order to reproduce our beingin material resource frameworks. Future research must continueto find evidence for the superverse, multiverse, and the subatomicparticle, psychion, and its field, which is consciousness.

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For example, the popular Creative Commons (CC) licenses allow sharing of an artist's work with attribution. But suppose someone creates and sells a limited-edition NFT of that work without the original artist's permission. As long as they provide attribution, they will comply with the CC license, but it's easy to see why this could cause problems.

Naturally, Creative Commons isn't the only licence that artists utilise to safeguard their creations. All works are the property of their creators, who may choose to commercialise and protect their creations by using public domain or commercial licences. For instance, rather than using CC licenses, many digital artists use GNU or Copyleft licenses. 2ff7e9595c


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